Frequently Asked Questions
1. How much do you save when converting your vehicle to propane?
Propane is generally 30% cheaper over gasoline. Private fleets with their own propane pumps and tank pay a much lower price than the retail fuel pump cost.
Example: If regular gasoline is at an average of $4.50/gal, Autogas propane is at an average of $3.59/gal. If you run on 20 gallons of regular gasoline per week for instance, you could save over $70 per month and over $800 per year on propane.
In addition to a reduced fuel cost, propane engines require less oil and filters. That’s because there’s minimal carbon buildup from propane. Overall oil, filters and labor are significantly less on a propane engine.
Fleets owners save nearly 50% on fuel and maintenance costs compared to gasoline or diesel.
2. How is propane cleaner than other vehicles?
Propane autogas vehicles cut significantly more NOx (Nitrogen oxide) and greenhouse gas emissions compared to diesel and gasoline. The EPA considers propane a clean fuel. Propane is known as the number one alternative fuel around the world.
3. What do I need to get a $4,000 MPGA Autogas rebate (up to $16,000)?
• Entities residing Michigan where on-road vehicles are registered and operated in Michigan
• First time purchasing a new propane vehicle or converting an existing vehicle in 2023
• Any 2019 or newer OEM vehicle converted to a propane autogas system that is EPA approved
• vehicles have no more than 5,000 miles.
Learn what make and model vehicles here
4. Where can I go to get my vehicle converted to propane?
Michigan has 6 Propane Autogas conversion locations. Click here to view map.
5. Where can I fill up my propane vehicle?
Michigan has over 50 public fueling stations and 2 private/keycard locations to fill up your Propane Autogas vehicle. Click here to view map.
6. Where can I go to get my propane vehicle repaired?
Michigan has 7 repair Propane Autogas repair facilities. Conversion centers also repair their own systems that they install. Click here to view map.
7. What funding is available to help me get my vehicle/fleet converted to propane?
The Michigan Propane Gas Association offers a $4,000 rebate (up to $16,000) to Michigan residents that are either buying a new propane vehicle OR converting their vehicle to propane.
State and Federal funds are available. Go here
8. How does a propane vehicle work?
Propane engines are spark-ignited, internal combustion engines, designed much like gasoline vehicles There are two types of propane engines: Dedicated (100% propane) and Bi-fuel (50% gasoline, 50% propane).
9. What is a Dedicated Propane Engine?
A Dedicated Propane Engine is an engine installed in a vehicle so that it runs solely on propane and can be ordered or purchased straight from the manufacture.
10. What is a Bi-Fuel Propane Engine?
A Bi-Fuel Propane Engine is an engine installed in a vehicle where it runs on propane and the original fuel (gasoline or diesel). Vehicles can be converted by a qualified system retrofitter (QSR) to light, medium or heavy-duty vehicles and can be as quick as one day to install.
11. Can a propane vehicle run on gasoline too?
You can either buy a propane vehicle with a Dedicated Propane Engine or you can have your vehicle converted with a Bi-Fuel Engine so it runs on both gasoline and propane.
12. Does getting my new vehicle converted to propane affect the manufacturers’ warranty?
No, the manufacturers’ warranty is not affected when you get your vehicle converted to propane.